The Community Foundation of Marquette County offers a number of grant programs to nonprofits in Marquette County.
Our 2025 competitive grant cycle is now closed. Communications regarding grant status will be shared toward the end of May.
Step 1: Grant Administrator Setup / Become a Registered Grantee Organization
Prior to consideration of the grant application CFMC conducts due diligence to determine the eligibility of the grant recipient. Organizations given grantee approval status set up a username and password to complete the online grant application process. In order to set up a login and password from the menu located on the top of the page, under “Grants and Scholarships” select, “Grants” then select “Become a Registered Grantee Organization.” Please contact our office at 906.226.7666 if you need assistance with this setup.
Step 2: Fill Out and Submit the Application
From the CFMC homepage click the GRANTEE AND FUNDHOLDER LOGIN button located in the upper right hand corner. Enter your user name and password. Upon your first login, you will be asked to change your password. Please save your username and password for future reference. Only one account will be created per organization. Once you access the Grantee Dashboard click on “Apply for a Grant” in the middle of the page. You will be asked to provide general information about your organization, a narrative that summarizes the project and includes information about the need your organization wants to address, and how you plan to measure the outcomes of your project. You will also be asked for a detailed budget and information about other funding sources.
Step 3: Upload Required Documents
For your application to be considered for review, a current nonprofit tax document showing your organization’s tax exempt status is required. You can upload the document with your application, email it to us at, or mail it to the Community Foundation of Marquette County, PO Box 37, Marquette, MI, 49855.
Step 4: Grant Application Review
Your grant application will be reviewed by our Grants Committee. To determine grant recipients, the Foundation will follow its mission statement, which is to enhance the charitable, educational, cultural, recreational, environmental, and social welfare needs of Marquette County.
Step 5: Final Grant Decisions Are Made
All applicants are notified of the results of the final funding decision. Your organization may receive full or partial funding, or in some cases we may decline to fund your project.
Evaluation Process
All grant applicants will be required to submit a final evaluation regarding their granted funds. Evaluations will be sent electronically to the contact listed on the application. Evaluations will be send quarterly based on the “Project End Date” listed on the application. If the project has yet to finish based on the original grant end date an extension request may be submitted. For questions regarding our evaluation process, please email us at
NOTE: All applications must be submitted via online portal to be considered in the competitive grant cycle.