Members of the GIACF Youth Advisory Committee along with adviser, Shannon Edmark, collected and packaged personal care items to be distributed to middle and high school students who participate in Patriot Power and Hematite Power Pack food programs. The packed 80 bags with toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. These bags were distributed at the end of the school year and the programs will continue next year.
The sense of accomplishment as one conquers a situation which might otherwise be out of reach is very powerful. The Silver Sampler Summer Seniors offered a new set of outdoor recreation experiences for seniors 55 and over who live within the service area of the Marquette Senior Center. With a goal of introducing seniors to new hiking trails and water pathways and hopefully revisiting some of the special places they discovered in the past. The $500 grant from the Community Foundation was used to engage Senior Citizens in outdoor activities to enhance their physical, emotional and community growth and increase awareness and skills in outdoor recreation in and around Marquette. Participants have been able to explore numerous outdoor venues (hiking and kayaking) and have also been introduced to non-program events such as races, hikes and biking opportunities offered in the community. One returning participant from last year was anxious to rejoin in 2017, she signed up for all the scheduled events. Unfortunately, her husband had a serious stroke. Immediately, group members, the group leader and the project director reached out to offer support. They stayed in contact with her. She later returned to the group saying the group “saved” her!

The Forsyth Township Public Library received a grant to fund their Lego Club program. The grant helped them purchase a variety of building clocks and idea books in preparation for the launch of Lego Clubs for children of varying ages in the Gwinn Community. The Lego Clubs launched during the Summer Reading Program at the Library. A total of 82 children and 34 adults attended the twice-weekly clubs during the six-week program. They began offering After School Lego Clubs in September twice per month serving 52 children to date. They are now able to provide children with snacks as well. They also offer Duplo building once per month at our weekly Story Times for our younger patrons to enjoy. Children are learning to share and work together. They are excited about reading the Lego books that have been added to their collection, which strengthens literacy and promotes a love of reading.